We had a good Towns Deal and Vision Board last week. This is a body charged with creating, and delivering, a vision for Ipswich. The members come from the councils, MPs, university, college, businesses and Ipswich Central representing the town centre, with an independent Chair.

It also has a role in over-seeing the delivery of the Towns Deal.

It was Jack Abbott’s first Board and he made an instant impact with some of his views of the future, giving us plenty of food for thought. The most exciting presentation was from Helen Langton of the university, who has been working up a fantastic project.  I’m just going to tease you with that for the moment, as it needs some more work before it can be announced. It is certainly an ambitious project for Ipswich and exactly the sort of thing we should be aiming for.

Unfortunately, it was the last Board for Helen and also Terry Baxter.  We wish them well for the future.

There were several updates on the £25million Town Deal, though today I am going to concentrate on the Digital Ipswich project. It has several strands, which are being worked through and will deliver over the next twelve months.

  1. Augmented Reality (AR) is an interactive experience that combines the real world and computer-generated 3D content, with a mobile phone used as the computer.

The Trails project will develop a minimum 10 AR trails that offer entertaining and unique experiences for users to discover Ipswich, providing additional reasons to visit the town centre and to stay there.

AR Trail #1 – Sammy the Rudolph Christmas Adventure on the Cornhill took place last Christmas.

AR Trail #2 – Digby and Beattie Adventure will introduce animals from Ipswich town centre, like Digby the octopus. Children from all the primary schools will have the opportunity to draw their favourite animal of Ipswich and have it hung on digital art walls around the town.

Ten trails are planned in the next year – I’m especially looking forward to the St Elizabeth Hospice Hares Trail.

  1. All About Ipswich is a website run by Ipswich Central; the Business Improvement District (BID) for the town centre. The website will enable visitors to plan their journeys, accommodation, and activities all in one place. It will include an “up to the minute” calendar of activities, along with recommendations and links maximising visitors’ enjoyment. Visitors from Ipswich and further afield will be able to find out “what’s on” and “what’s new” with a single click whenever they visit the site.

Check it out at https://allaboutipswich.com/ for regular updates.

  1. Digital Billboard with Art Installation

A community focused initiative on the eastern elevation of Lloyds Arch transforming an unattractive part of Lloyds Avenue with an IBC owned digital billboard embedded within a larger art installation. This will be a unique art installation that depicts the best of Ipswich’s heritage and culture will help promote a sense of pride in the town.

  1. 3D Ipswich. A unique 3D model of Ipswich Town with all heritage sites mapped and listed. This will be housed in an Ipswich town centre venue and created in both physical and digital form. Opportunity for the digital overlays to showcase Ipswich from through the ages.
  2. TEDx Ipswich. TEDx events include live speakers and recorded TED Talks that are organised independently under a free license granted by TED, a non-profit media organization that posts international talks online for free distribution under the slogan “ideas worth spreading”.

There is more even to come from Digital Ipswich – things that will bring the wow factor to the town.

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