John Cook
Borough Councillor, Alexandra Ward
John Cook has lived in Grange Road since 2000 and served as one of your councillors in Alexandra ward since 2013. He previously served as a school governor at Clifford Road Primary School for eight years, latterly as Chair of Governors.
John takes an active interest in the environment in which we live, including crime reduction, easing congestion and pollution, and making Alexandra ward a better place to live and work.
As well as representing Alexandra ward residents as a Labour and Co-operative councillor, John serves as Executive member for Communities and Sport. He also represents the Borough on Suffolk County Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board, Suffolk’s Safer Stronger Communities Board and chairs the Ipswich Community Safety Partnership.
John was Mayor of Ipswich for the 2022/23 municipal year and chaired the Council’s Audit and Governance Committee for eight years, working to ensure that Ipswich Borough Council provides good value for money and efficiently run services.