Jane Riley
Borough Councillor, Alexandra Ward

Jane has represented Alexandra Ward as councillor since 2014.
Jane is Ipswich born and bred and attended Northgate Grammar School for Girls. Both her parents were teachers at Morland Road Primary School. After attending University in Hull and The College of Law in Chester, Jane returned to Ipswich to work at Kerseys Solicitors, qualifying as a solicitor in 1988.
Jane’s connections with education continued with a role on the PTA at Clifford Road School before becoming a parent governor, helping to set up their CRASH after-school club. When her children moved on to high school, she became a governor at Copleston.
Jane is one of the founding trustees of Ipswich Film Theatre Trust, which was established in 2009 to run the two-screen cinema in the Corn Exchange. She is also a trustee of the Northgate Foundation education charity and the newly-formed Suffolk Archives Foundation which supports The Hold, the planned new records office in Ipswich.
In her spare time, when she has any, you are likely to find Jane on her allotment!